Knights logoThe Tennessee March For Life was held Sunday January 25th 2015 at the Worlds Fair Park downtown Knoxville. Over 150 people turned out to celebrate life and march for its moral and legal protections.

The march was led by Knights of Columbus 4th Degree Color Guard and Color Corps Commander Russ Carvin of Sacred Heart Cathedral. Sir Knights Tom Greer and Steve Kaye also of Sacred Heart Cathedral marched while presenting the National Colors on behalf of Monsignor F.D. Grady Assembly 1083.

The 4th Degree is the highest degree of the Knights of Columbus. It is offered to those Knights who have shown themselves to be especially solicitous of the welfare of their church, their families, their community, and their nation.

One of the most active charitable organizations in the United States, the Knights of Columbus has grown to include more than 2 million members worldwide. Last year, Knights donated more than $170 million and more than 70 million hours to charitable causes.

Men of the Cathedral Parish are invited to join the Knight of Columbus; contact membership director Jimmy Dee at 865-809-3825 or by speaking with any Knights of Columbus Member.