What consumes you?
It’s so easy to be busy. How often are you tempted to answer the question, “how are you?” with “I am busy.” We get consumed by what’s immediately in front of us. Sometimes we are so busy we miss the people in our life and the chance to encounter them. We get consumed by our busyness.
Jesus, however, is consumed by the thought of God the Father and with us. This Lent he wants to encounter us. How crazy is that? The God of the universe wants to spend time with you today. Don’t be so busy you miss the encounter.
Sr. Miriam has today’s #ShareJesus Video talking about how we can focus our Lent on Jesus. One of the awesome things she talks about are 3 healing tools of Lent. Watch below!
- Prayer – heals our relationship with him in prayer.
- Fasting – heals our relationship where we our broken within ourselves with fasting
- Almsgiving- heals our relationship with others through almsgiving.
I pray that you will allow Jesus into all the areas of your life that are broken so he can resurrect them. Use the healing tools of Lent today!
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