Author and star of the popular “Quick Journey through the Bible” and “Great Adventure Bible” study series, Jeff Cavins, will speak on “Living the Gospel of the Family” at two great events on April 10 & 11 for men & women. Sister Timothea Elliott, RSM, Diocesan Director of the Office of Christian Formation, will also appear.
- The Women’s Reception will be held on the evening of Friday, April 10, from 7:00-8:30 PM. $15 Registration.
- The Men’s Conference will be held on Saturday, April 11, from 10:00 AM – 2:30 PM. $35 Registration.
Both events will be held in the All Saints’ Parish Hall in Knoxville, 620 North Cedar Bluff Road. Tickets are available at the Paraclete bookstore; on-line or from a Knight’s of Columbus representative.
This event is sponsored by: The Knights of Columbus Councils 5207 & 5706, All Saints Peter and Paul Society & the Sacred Heart Cathedral St. Joseph Society.