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On June 17, 2015, the foundation was installed of the new bridge connecting the community to the forthcoming new Sacred Heart Cathedral. The three-lane bridge will be the “face” of the new cathedral’s campus, according to David Boettner, vicar general for the Diocese of Knoxville and rector of Sacred Heart Cathedral. “If you think about it, Christ is the bridge between us and God the Father, so putting this bridge in is really going to be that connection to bring everybody to the new cathedral,” Boettner said. “It’s the first step.” Watch the evolution and the latest coverage:
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The cathedral, budgeted at $25 million, will be finished in September 2017, he said, and will be approximately three times larger than the current one, measuring 22,000 square feet and 132 feet tall.
The Sacred Heart Cathedral School on the grounds will undergo renovations for modernization and an improved entrance, requiring the demolition of a house the priest used when serving the parish.
According to Pam Rhoades, spokeswoman for Sacred Heart, the project is a “once in a lifetime opportunity.” She said it’s not often a new cathedral is built, and Knoxville’s is one of two in construction in the Southeast — the other in Raleigh, N.C.
The project is funded by the cathedral parish and other parishes of the Diocese of Knoxville, along with other donors of the diocese, Boettner said. ~ Courtesy Cortney Roark, knoxnews.com.
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