Our Faith Formation classes for Cathedral Kids, First Communion, and Confirmation will begin on Wednesday, August 22nd. Classes will be held from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm each Wednesday night (please note the time change from previous years).
REGISTRATION for all Faith Formation programs will be after the Masses on the weekends of August 4/5 and August 11/12. Registration forms will also be available in the Cathedral office and online.
First Communion
Children in 2nd grade and above who are NOT enrolled in a Catholic school should register for the parish sacramental preparation program. There are two options:
A) Cathedral Kids program on Wednesday nights. Parents will also need to register for the CAFE adult faith formation program or assist in the Cathedral Kids program as a teacher or teacher aide (Safe Environment requirements apply).
B) HomePREP. Parents can complete the sacramental preparation program at home with their children.
First Communion for the 2nd grade will be held on May 11, 2019.
Students in 5th grade and above who are NOT enrolled in a Catholic school can register for the Confirmation. Confirmation will be held in the spring of 2019. Confirmation classes will be held on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm, or students can complete the sacramental preparation program online.
Cathedral Kids/RUSH
Children in grades K-4 who do not need sacramental preparation can register for our fun Cathedral Kids children’s ministry program on Wednesday nights. Parents who register their children will need to enroll in the CAFE program or assist in teaching. Middle school students in grades 6-8 who are not preparing for sacraments can join our Rising Up @ Sacred Heart (RUSH) middle school youth ministry.
Catholic Adult Faith Education (CAFE)
Adult classes will begin on August 22nd. Several programs will be offered.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Adults who are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith and entering into full communion with the Church through Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist can enroll in our RCIA program. This class will meet in the Shea Room on Wednesday nights.
Click on the “Get Connected tab to learn more or GO HERE to register.