“Divorced people are not excommunicated from the Church, and they should never be treated as such. They are always a part of the Church.” ~ Pope Francis
The Sacred Heart Cathedral Divorce Ministry is again offering the Journey of Hope Divorce Healing Program starting Sunday, August 28th.
The 13-week program is based on the book, Divorced. Catholic. Now What?, Voices of Hope DVD plus discussion to lead participants through the struggles of divorce. Divorced. Catholic. Now What? has helped thousands of Catholics worldwide navigate life after divorce. The book addresses the core challenges every Catholic experiences with divorce from the perspective of their Catholic faith. Living the Catholic faith is the key to recovering from divorce. Divorced. Catholic. Now What? shows you how.
Journey of Hope uses the teaching and sacraments of the Catholic Church to transform the loss and tragedy of divorce into life-giving wisdom, sensitivity, and hope. Register online or contact Deacon Walt Otey at 865-388-0690 or [email protected] for more info.