The Diocese of Knoxville will host a screening of the film “Sexual Revolution: 50 Years Since Humanae Vitae.” at Sacred Heart Cathedral School in Knoxville on Sept. 29.

Sexual Revolution: 50 Years Since Humanae Vitae is an exciting and beautifully-made documentary that examines
the parallel developments of the Pill and modern Natural Family Planning (NFP) by telling the little-known story
of the founding doctors, respectively, Dr. Gregory Pincus and Drs. John & Evelyn Billings. The centerpiece of the
film is the dramatic life story of Alana Newman, a talented recording artist who goes from being an activist for
feminism and sexual freedom to giving up her promising musical career for life, family, and love.

Born through donor conception (via an anonymous sperm donor), Alana’s youth is filled with natural curiosity about her
biological father. As she gets older, however, this curiosity develops into a sense of abandonment and self-doubt.
Still, a spark of that curiosity inspires her on to an arduous search for Truth, Beauty, and Goodness—and her
father. Eventually, Alana discovers the treasures of Theology of the Body, Humanae Vitae, and all the riches of the
Catholic Church, and comes to realize that she may never have been fatherless.

Sexual Revolution: 50 Years Since Humanae Vitae has been endorsed by The Pontifical Council for the Promotion. To reserve a seat, contact Marian Christiana by email or at 423-892-2310.