Choir Loft Update

Choir Loft Update

Dear Cathedral Parish Family, Through the generosity of the Sefton Family, we have been able to complete the building of the second half of our beautiful pipe organ. This fall, Hickory Construction has been preparing the choir loft to receive the completion of the...
Kare 4 Karm

Kare 4 Karm

Our Cathedral Young Adults will be having a 2-day donation event for KARM. On December 15th from 2 pm-6 pm, you may drop off any item at Cathedral Hall; the list of items can be found on the graphic. On December 16th from 8 am-12 pm, all families are invited to sign...
KOC #5207 Trunk or Treat

KOC #5207 Trunk or Treat

It is time for the Knights of Columbus Annual Trunk or Treat event for the kids to be held on Friday, October 27th, at 6:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome to join in on the fun. This is an excellent place for kids to enjoy the time-honored fun of trick or treating for a...
The Relics of Padre Pio

The Relics of Padre Pio

The Cathedral of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is excited to host the relics of Padre Pio. The five relics will be in the Cathedral on Tuesday, September 26, from 9am-7pm. Noon Mass will be celebrated as usual. To support this fantastic opportunity, we are asking for...