

Welcome to Sacred Heart, where worship matters! Everything we do as Catholics begins in worship. It is our worship that leads us to action in our community and world. There are various opportunities in which you can make a difference through the mission and ministry of the Cathedral of the Most Sacred Heart Jesus. Consider your passions and discover ways to use your gifts and energy.


The job of our Ushers and Greeters is to convey a welcoming and hospitable spirit at Sacred Heart. Greeters warmly welcome parishioners and visitors as they arrive and assist those with special needs. Ushers hand out liturgy guides, help seat people for Mass and collect the offering. Ushers answer questions and provide information about our parish. Contact Scott Barron at [email protected].


A Sacristan is a trained Eucharistic Minister responsible for the materials and ministers needed for the celebration of the liturgy. They prepare the altar and sanctuary with the necessary liturgical objects needed for Mass and other liturgies. This is a vital liturgical ministry. Contact: Rose Hust 865.584.8836


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to fellow parishioners at Mass. It is required that you have received the Sacrament of Confirmation, and you must receive training by a Priest or a Deacon. All ministers are scheduled a few times a month for the Mass of their preference. Go here for procedures and the latest schedule. Contact: Tom and Jackie Foster  865.806.6212.


Our Readers/Lectors proclaim the Word of God from the scripture at all Masses and other liturgies. Each reader must attend a class to learn more about their role and devote time to prayer and preparation. Readers are scheduled for the Mass they usually attend. Click here for procedures and the latest scheduleContact: Tom and Jackie Foster  865.584.7714.


Altar Servers have a very special role in assisting the Priests during Mass and other liturgies. This is a vital liturgical ministry. Servers must be in the 4th grade or older and be fully trained. Schedules are provided on a monthly basis and need to report to the sacristy 20 minutes before the start of Mass. Contact: Lisa Morris  865.567.1245.


The Cathedral of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is seeking energetic people who have experience in Video Production or want to learn more about VP and desire to help spread the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus through evangelization, faith formation, and service. Team members will direct a multi-camera view of our Masses. You should be somewhat proficient in computers and be comfortable troubleshooting technical issues that could arise in typical television production. If you are interested in being a part of our Video Production Ministry, please email Steve Coy at [email protected].


Holy Communion is taken once a week to those who are sick, homebound, and unable to attend Mass. EMCs will also arrange a Priest visit if a person needs the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick or Reconciliation. Training will be provided. Contact the parish office at 865.588.0249.

Flower Guild

The Flower Guild is responsible for preparing all floral arrangements for the Cathedral. The guild arranges the flowers each week and for special occasions. In keeping with the liturgical calendar, the guild decorates the Sanctuary for weddings, Advent, Christmas, Holy Week, and Easter. Contact: [email protected].


We are excited to continue to grow our outreach in the parish. Please take a look at the available opportunities within the umbrella of parish ministries and let me know if you have an interest in sharing the gifts of your time and talent. Each of these roles works with, and reports to the Director of Parish Ministries. All leaders will complete a background check and CMG training (online). 

Scott Barron

Director of Cathedral Parish Ministries

[email protected]

Wednesday Night Site Manager

This person will assist us in opening classrooms and turning on lights and Clevertouch boards for the various classes. They will also be able to greet guests and jump in as needed from an oversight perspective. Seasonal opportunity (no summers or holidays)


Partner with the Director of Ministries to help develop and execute monthly service opportunities in the parish.

Bereavement Ministry Lead​

They will work with the Director of Parish Ministries to identify and implement ways to support those who have suffered a loss. They will also be a liaison with the Stephen Ministry. 

Divorce Ministry

We are hoping to develop a ministry to support those who have been divorced.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Identify a lead to help recruit volunteers. This person would also assist the Director of Parish Ministries in setting up or breaking down the space on Sunday mornings.


Ushers are often the first people guests encounter when visiting the cathedral. They greet, answer questions, and help guests as needed. Ushers are mainly used during Sunday Mass but are also an essential part of Holy Days and special events.


The Ordre of Christian Initiation of Adults is the program to welcome and prepare those who wish to join our faith. Classes are on Wednesday night. Roles vary from teaching classes to helping manage the paperwork for the candidates.


Cathedral Kids is a Wednesday night program for faith formation for our kindergarten through middle school children. This is also the vehicle for sacramental prep for students not attending a parochial school. Roles vary from teaching a class to managing paperwork.


Stephen Ministry offers a proven and effective way to organize, equip, and supervise a team of congregation members—called Stephen Ministers—to provide high-quality, one-to-one, Christ-centered care to people in the congregation and the community experiencing life difficulties. For more information on becoming a Stephen Minister, please contact our leadership team at [email protected].

music ministry

Music Ministry

Our Choirs
5:00 PM

This new choir is composed of youth and young adults. The youth choir encourages the development of worship leaders while nurturing musical ability and education and fostering a love and enjoyment for a wide variety of sacred music.  Contact Glenn Kahler

1:00 PM

Many instruments and voices join to celebrate our faith for the Mass in Spanish.  Contact: Glenn Kahler.

11:00 AM

This choir blends a variety of musical instruments and voices in a style that is more contemporary. The repertoire includes music for Catholic worship from today’s most recognized composers. Contact Glenn Kahler.

9:00 AM

This choir blends complex melodies and rich harmonies in a broad range of musical styles from Gregorian chant to contemporary settings of classical sacred music. Contact Glenn Kahler


Cantors play a special role in leading the assembly and proclaiming the psalms. We utilize cantors at all our masses, and being a cantor requires excellent singing ability, strong music reading and interpretation. If you would like to learn more about serving as a cantor in our parish, Contact: Glenn Kahler 865.385.8402
[email protected]

Cantor singing at the Cathedral
By serving as a Music Minster at Sacred Heart, you have the opportunity to be enriched in a special way, and to sing/play and pray in a ministry that works hard and has fun. You will be richly blessed!
Our Team

Glenn Kahler

Michelle Pokelwaldt

Ashton Gallagher

Byong-Suk Moon

The Guilds of the Cathedral


The guilds provide a small group with which its members can share their love of God through service, prayer, study, and fellowship. Sacred Heart has 8 active women’s guilds that fall under the PCCW. Membership is open to all women of The Cathedral of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. 


Members: Young women and young moms

Activities: Focus on helping with the SHC preschool, raising money for the preschool, Bible studies, monthly fellowship meetings, and couples fellowship.

Please send an email to [email protected] for more information!

MEMBERS: Our guild’s focus is to support and care for the Cathedral school’s students and staff while building fellowship among its members. Established in 1993, our current members range in age from 50 to 80+. We’d love for you to join us!
ACTIVITIES: In addition to supporting our school with our time, talent, and treasure, we offer many opportunities for fellowship and fun, both daytime and nighttime. Please contact us for more information.
Contact Katie Holvey at [email protected] or (865)556-9908.

Members: Women of all ages though most have grown children and are now enjoying grandchildren.

Activities: Monthly social and fellowship meetings, fundraisers to support our parish and Catholic Charities of East Tennessee, helping with the annual Chrism Mass Dinner and Ash Wednesday Luncheon, and decorating the Cathedral at Christmas.

Pamela Schwartz ([email protected])


Members: Women of the Hispanic community

Activities: meet twice a month; assist with the mass and activities surrounding the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe; visit the sick

[email protected]


Members: women of all ages, though most have children in high school and college.

Activities: Monthly meetings; fundraiser to support Haiti mission; fall mum sale to support a variety of charities; sponsor the Epiphany Open House.

Margaret Mynatt

Ann Marie Gray


Members: Mostly senior women, but welcome all women!

Activities: monthly daytime meetings; support Ladies of Charity and Haiti with time, talent, and treasure.

Geri Sutter  


Members: All women welcome!

Ann Bodie

Sue Greer


Members: Young women in their 20’s and early 30’s

Activities: The guild will be an opportunity for young women in our parish to come together in fellowship as well as grow our faith together.

For more information, [email protected].


Members: the Wedding Guild supports the clergy and provides a great experience for the bridal party and guests!

Scott Barron 

Polly Burch  


Members: Women of all ages, who desire quiet time with Christ, cleaning joyfully in contemplative prayer.  The St. Zita’s Guild supports the facilities management by assisting in preserving the edifying beauty of the Cathedral of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Activities: Praying and completing cleaning tasks during times, chosen by the member, from a sign-up genius.

Diana Seaver  


Members of Sacred Heart are committed to serving the poor and marginalized in our community. Our parish organizations hear the call of Pope Francis to love the Lord through our service to others. We invite you to join our outreach groups!

“How marvelous it would be if, at the end of the day, each of us could say: today I have performed an act of charity towards others.” ~ Pope Francis


The Knights are a council of Catholic men over the age of 18 who serve Sacred Heart parish and its
 community. Their dedication to the Blessed Virgin Mary leads us to fight for the ‘Rights of the Unborn,’ those of disability and the needs of our Catholic and surrounding communities. Visit the Knights website

Started by a humble parish priest, the Knights of Columbus have grown into the world’s largest lay Catholic organization with over 1.8 million members. Learn more about the Knights: The Strong Arm of the Church.


All women of our parish are members of the council. These wonderful ladies of Sacred Heart come together for fellowship, spiritual nourishment, and service. The PCCW has several active guilds that have different parish and community involvement projects. Please contact [email protected].


All men of the Cathedral are welcomed and encouraged to join the St. Joseph Society. This group of Sacred Heart men is dedicated to growing in faith and bringing the Light of Christ into our families, parish community, and workplaces.  Bible studies are held throughout the year.

Deacon Walt Otey


The Ladies of Charity manage a Thrift Shop and an Emergency Assistance Center that handles emergency requests for food, clothing, housing, utilities and medical needs. Volunteers are needed to work at the thrift store.

Ladies of Charity


The Filipino-American Catholic Community celebrates Mass at the Cathedral on the 2nd Sunday of every month at 3:00 pm. The mission of the organization is to unite and community, and service. Contact: Percy Sturgeon 865.719.5299.


The Knoxville Korean Catholic Community celebrates Mass at Sacred Heart at 7 PM, on the third Saturday of each month. Following Mass, a Korean dinner is held in the Shea Room. The community also gathers for Bible Studies, Prayer and Rosary services. Contact: Younjaung An at [email protected]. Click here for more information.

Community Support

It is our worship that leads us to action in our community and world. At Sacred Heart, we have a variety of opportunities in which you can make a difference. Consider your passions and discover ways to use your God-given gifts and energy!


Sacred Heart’s Haiti Outreach is the link between our parish and our sister parish, St. Michel, in Boucan Carre’, Haiti. With the help of volunteers and donations, the committee assures that impoverished children receive daily nourishment, have clean water, medical supplies, health care, and many other much-needed services. There is an ongoing need for volunteers to maintain this ministry and several opportunities each year to visit, serve, and raise funds for our brothers and sisters in Christ. Visit


FISH is county wide program that supplies food to those in need. Sacred Heart parishioners are responsible for delivering the food to the families on the 3rd Friday of each month. Volunteers are needed to answer phone calls and to deliver meals. In May of each year, Sacred Heart parishioners supply the food for the cooperative pantry and fill the bags for delivery on Saturdays. This is a great, fun way for your family to work together to help others in need. FISH Delivery contact: Kelley Karnes 865.256.9951 | FISH Pantry contact: Christina or Bruce Pint 865.588.3405.


Sacred Heart’s Pro-Life Ministry is a witness for God’s Gift of Life from conception to natural death. The foundation of this ministry is prayer, knowing that it is the power of prayer that will change hearts to ‘Choose Life.’ Education through presentations, workshops, and seminars are the way the community learns and then reaches out in love to our neighbors to spread the message of God’s Gift of Life. Visit Contact: Lisa Morris  865.567.1245.


Blankets and shawls are hand-crafted and given to anyone who is in need of love and prayers. As each blanket is made, it is prayed over by the person making it and when completed it is blessed by the priest at Mass. Hats and mittens, too. If you would like to join this wonderful ministry, contact: Aggie Wallace 865.851.9408.

Safe Environment Training


CMG connect is a new web-based platform that will assist us in ensuring that all employees and volunteers who are in a position of trust with children and vulnerable adults within our schools and parishes are trained to recognize behavior patterns of potential abusers and provide pro-active measures for preventing abuse in any context.