by Sacred Heart Cathedral | Aug 1, 2016 | News
“Divorced people are not excommunicated from the Church, and they should never be treated as such. They are always a part of the Church.” ~ Pope Francis The Sacred Heart Cathedral Divorce Ministry is again offering the Journey of Hope Divorce Healing Program starting...
by Sacred Heart Cathedral | Jun 23, 2016 | News
In mid-July, the fourteen Carrara marble Stations of the Cross, commemorating the events of the Passion of Jesus and featured on the walls of the existing cathedral, will be removed. Rugo Stone, Natural Stone and Mosaic Contractors, will carefully extract the Stations...
by Sacred Heart Cathedral | Apr 13, 2016 | News
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by Sacred Heart Cathedral | Jan 22, 2016 | News
Despite the snow and frigid weather, our Cathedral builders are nearing the completion of the 100th pier! As of January 22nd, 99 piers have been drilled out of the 111. What comes next? The Cathedral grade beams will be poured. In construction, a grade beam is a type...
by Sacred Heart Cathedral | Nov 24, 2015 | Events, News
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