Fly Fishers of Men Annual Retreat
Where: Cathedral of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus – Cathedral Hall
When: Friday, May 12, 2023 — 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday, May 13, 2023 — 5:00 pm Mass – Retreat 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
All men are invited to attend the 6th Annual Fly Fishers of Men Retreat. This 2-day Men’s Retreat will be led by Fr. David Boettner, Vicar General of the Diocese of Knoxville and Rector, Cathedral of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. In addition to the retreat sessions led by Fr. David, we will have dinner and fellowship. You do not need to be a fly fisherman to attend. However, if you want to learn, then this is a good place to start!
There will be opportunities to fly fish on Friday, May 12th, and Saturday, May 13th, on local rivers before meeting at the Cathedral Hall in the evenings for the retreat. The group fishing plans for Saturday will be made at the retreat on Friday evening. If you are interested in joining a fishing group on Friday, May 12th, or for any other information, please get in touch with Robb Morris at [email protected] or 865-567-5509. Click here to register.