Next year, in February of 2020, please join Father David, Deacon Walt Otey, and Glenn Kahler for an 11-day adventure to the Holy Land. A pilgrimage to the Holy Land will be an experience you will never forget. Christians have been going on pilgrimages from the very beginning of our faith. The Holy Land holds importance as the place of Jesus’ birth, life, death, and resurrection.
Pilgrimages include visits to Bethlehem where we stop at The Church of the Nativity that commemorates the birth of Christ. We visit sites like the village of Cana, the Sea of Galilee, Mt. Tabor, and the River Jordan, Jerusalem, and the Dead Sea.
On our pilgrimage to the Holy Land, we offer a complete itinerary that includes round-trip airfare, accommodation in first class hotels, breakfast and dinner daily, all transportation, daily Mass and all under excellent organizing, leadership, and teaching from Nativity pilgrimage expert staff and Guides.
For more information, visit the Nativity Pilgrimage website.