Greetings! We are reaching out to you because we feel you value education as much as we do. Our women’s guild at Sacred Heart Cathedral is named St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, after the woman who started Catholic schools in the US. In keeping with our mission “to care for and support the students and staff at Sacred Heart Cathedral School (SHCS),” we have reinstated the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (SEAS) Teacher Grant Program. Our intention here is to raise money for the sole purpose of offering grants to the teachers at SHCS. We have strict requirements for applying and implementing these grants. They are designed to be projects or experiences outside the budgeted plan, with direct student involvement and a focus on academic enrichment. In 2018-2019, we awarded over $5000 to fulfill ten grants. These projects included geometry introduction for kindergartners, rosary kits for Second Graders, a reading corner, and books for 4th & 5th graders, Ozobot Coding kits for the Robotics Club, boomerangs for the 6th graders studying Ancient World History, and a giant USA playground map. This impressive map was painted in June and is located on the back parking lot, near the gym entrance. All this to say: the teachers have exciting, innovative & creative ideas to enhance the learning in their classrooms. Their limited budgets limit these options. We want to change that. The SEAS Teacher Grant Program is the key to providing these options.
We invite you to participate in this opportunity to benefit the students of SHCS directly. We are humbly asking you to consider making a tax-deductible donation of $100 to our guild, earmarked for the teacher grant program. We promise that 100% of your donation will go directly to the grants, and it will also directly impact students at SHCS.
This social evening provides the opportunity to learn more about the SEAS Teacher Grant program, directly from those involved: guild members who raise the money and implement the grants, as well as the teachers who benefit.
You can also donate online. Go to the SHC website; click Donate at the top. Go to Online Giving, then click the icon: Give Online. Look for Grants, Grace & Generosity. If you have any questions about this process or program, or to RSVP please contact the chair of the teacher grants: Kirstin Kropilak. You may reach her by email at [email protected].
We look forward to hearing from you, and we greatly appreciate your support of enhancing education for the students at SHCS.
Sincerely, The SEAS Teacher Grant Committee Carolyn Combs~Katie Holvey~Kirstin Kropilak~Linda McDermott~Susie Sullivan