International Community Masses

International Community Masses

We take great pride in our vibrant international community at the Cathedral of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. In addition to our Spanish Mass at 1:00 PM every Sunday, we also celebrate Mass in Polish, Korean, and Tagalog. Please refer to the graphic for the schedule...
Flood Relief Resources

Flood Relief Resources

Diocese of Knoxville Press Release: Catholic Charities of East Tennessee (CCETN) is providing relief for the current emergency conditions in East Tennessee counties related to Hurricane Helene. Once damage assessments in the affected areas are completed, CCETN is...
PCCW Pot Luck

PCCW Pot Luck

All women of the parish are invited to the PCCW (Parish Council of Catholic Women) Pot Luck Social on Monday, September 16, from 6 p.m.-8 p.m. in the Cathedral Hall. Please bring an appetizer or dessert to share! This is a beautiful opportunity to get together in...
2024 Annual Stewardship Drive

2024 Annual Stewardship Drive

Stewardship Weekends-September 21, 22, 28, & 29 The Cathedral of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is an evangelizing parish that makes disciples through worship, formation, and service. (Matthew 28: 19) Your gift will support Vibrant Worship, Faith Formation, and...
Newcomer’s Reception & Ministry Fair

Newcomer’s Reception & Ministry Fair

Sunday, August 25th, after the 9, 11, and 1 p.m. Masses, in the Cathedral Hall. Come learn more about the Cathedral Parish and its ministries, meet new friends, and hear about upcoming events!
Polish Heritage Festival

Polish Heritage Festival

Join us for our Polish Heritage Festival on Saturday, August 3rd, at 6:15 pm in the Cathedral Hall. A selection of regional foods and handmade products will be available for purchase.